Special Education Needs & Disabilities
The SEND provision at Chipping Campden School is led by Miss N Buckingham, Assistant Principal: Director of Inclusion (SENCo). Please see here for the school SEND INformation Report for 2024.
In line with the code of practice 2014:
Students are identified to be on the SEN Register either through consultation with the primary school or in house screening A Pupil Profile is produced and reviewed every term.
Strategies for support and intervention are identified & implemented e.g.
Literacy intervention
Numeracy Catch-Up
Dyslexia Support
Maths or English Tuition
Learning Support Mentor (LSM) Support
Differentiated Materials
Access arrangements for external exams
Modified Curriculum
Small Group work
Advice and support is sought from outside agencies if necessary
Tracking & monitoring is carried out by the SENCO including Annual EHCP reviews
A review of progress and impact takes place
Communication is with parents is vital.