Contact Us
Current Parents – Who to contact
Unless you are reporting a student absence, please use the guidelines below to determine the most appropriate member of staff to direct your communication to:
- For a general enquiry, contact the School Office
- For a pastoral query, contact your child’s form tutor
- For an academic query, contact the Head of Subject for your child. Eg. If the query is related to maths, contact the Head of Maths. A list of our Heads of Subject can be found here. Please note that the majority of requests will be passed to your child’s subject teacher to respond to in the first instance.
How To Contact Us
01386 840216
Monday to Thursday – 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday – 8:00am – 4:00pm
- General enquiries should be directed to
- If your communication is more specific, use the email address, indicating in the email subject line, the name of the member of staff to whom your communication is directed. Eg. FAO Mrs A N Other. (If you are a current parent, please use the guidance above regarding who to contact)
- We also provide the following generic email addresses, which may be helpful to you:
IT support queries –
HR queries –
Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities –
- All emails will be responded to within two school days of receipt.
In Person
If you would like to speak with someone in person, please contact the school in advance to make an appointment. It is highly likely that if you arrive at school without an appointment, the member of staff that you need to speak with will be unavailable at that particular time.
Contacting the Principal
Please liaise with Mrs Crossley, Principal’s PA & Professional Support Services Lead. If you wish to contact Mrs Crossley by email, please use
Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests
All freedom of information requests (FOI) must be made in writing and directed to
How To Find Us:
For postal correspondence or to visit the school, please use the address below:
Chipping Campden School
Cidermill Lane
Chipping Campden
GL55 6HU